Oh I say

Oh I say, was that really necessary. Go away for a day or two and one comes back to find a new arrival. And it’s a puppy. Ed: Vino means Tera I really don’t think it was necessary. Only plus side I can see is that it does sleep a lot.


Hello everybody my name is Tera. I haven’t been here very long. Arrived at The Pack after a long journey in a car (I think that’s what it was called). Brought up in a house and the wide open spaces were a bit frightening to begin with. Really like Spixie my new step-sister. Met Maud and Margot today, crikey they are fast.


Thank goodness firework night is over for another year. It really is too much. Why do we have to put up with fireworks which sound like war has broken out? Last night was the final straw - 11:30 p.m. and they started. Really, some of us are trying to get some sleep! Quiet fireworks or no fireworks please!


The Pack is devastated that Maggie is no longer with us…. She had just beaten a chest infection but after a very short illness she passed away today. Big loss to The Pack.

New website

We’ve got a new look to our website … Our IT team has been hard at work creating a new site for us. It was left to me to write a few words about it, looks OK to me. There you go, a few words. Enjoy!