Posts by: Tera


I found out a little while ago that I’m lergic, same as Maggie used to be apparently. Now I don’t know what lergic means but I do know my skin is very itchy all the time, which is very uncomfortable I can tell you. I also know that being lergic means I have people sticking sharp things in my skin twice. I don’t think I like being lergic - but I do like running about in the open which makes me forget about the itching :-) ...


Hello everybody my name is Tera. I haven’t been here very long. Arrived at The Pack after a long journey in a car (I think that’s what it was called). Brought up in a house and the wide open spaces were a bit frightening to begin with. Really like Spixie my new step-sister. Met Maud and Margot today, crikey they are fast.