
Wet, dirty, happy

Vino wrote about weather here, wet, windy, we have lots of baths. Went out today for chasing ball, like that a lot. Ran a lot, am now very dirty, very wet, very tired, very very happy. Washing out of the way, Vino right about Sham-Poo, it smell bad. Sleepy now, wrapped up in my fleece, looking forward to tea.


It’s that time of the year when it can be a little wet outside. That does tend to make one get a little dirty after going out for a run. Personally, I’m not fond of the daily bath, I mean, once a year on your birthday should be enough? The bath is a lot worse because they will insist on using Sham-Poo. Now I like a roll in Poo, fox or badger preferably. ...

Happy New Year

Happy New Year everybody. Will try and send more updates this year.

Stay safe

Nearly a year since we lost Queenie, still think of her. Hope everyone staying safe in these strange times.